junior program (16/17 y/o)
At the age of 16 years old, teens can apply to become a junior firefighter at any of the 5 companies in the borough. They can ride any company, anywhere and experience each unique apparatus and learn the ins and outs. Throughout the time as a junior firefighter, juniors will attend numerous calls, drills, trainings and can even attend the Bergen County Fire Academy and receive firefighter 1, the basic certification required for all firefighters. Once 18, juniors can complete the final application process to become a probationary firefighters with the department and assume all the basic responsibilities of a normal firefighter.

Applications can also be picked up at the clerk’s office at Borough Hall (176 Park Ave, Rutherford, NJ 07070)
To submit, please print and hand in the application at the clerk’s office
Juniors must be 16 or 17 years old and pass a physical exam. Upon completion, juniors will be scheduled for a meeting with the Junior Program Coordinators and can begin riding to fire calls. Juniors may ride any company in town that they choose, and can change at any time. There are no requirements to respond to a minimum amount of calls/drills.